Wednesday, June 18, 2008

21 days

You've probably heard that it takes 21 days to modify behavior or make something a habit. Well, since I haven't posed in about 6 weeks, I think it's time to modify my behavior.

We've made this a family project. We have 4 sticker boards up with a calendar starting with today. We are all going to try to modify behavior, create new good habits. We will each get to put a sticker on our board if we our successful for the day. Our reward will be a trip to a water slide park. Oldest is excited, Littlest is clueless. They both helped decorate the charts last night.

So starting today, I will post 21 times in the next 21 days. I'm giving myself an off day this Saturday because I will be in the middle of the Wasatch Back, but I will make it up with 2 posts on another day.

I'll fill you in on my family's success along the way!


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