Last night after dinner the boys begged to go outside. It was a beautiful evening, so we did. I pointed out a butterfly to them and they chased it around the yard. Giggling and tromping through the flowers, I couldn't help but smile and realize that we all need to take time to enjoy the very simple things in life. They got so much joy out of that butterfly.
Oldest went to play with a little boy on the block for awhile and littlest played ball with dad for awhile. When it was time to go in I collected Oldest along with some sunflowers from the neighbor. Oldest was so excited about the sunflowers and Littlest actually took one to bed with him. With school starting soon, our family life will get chaotic. I hope to remember to chase butterflies on stressful days.
Beautiful! Yes, we have to remember that simple things are best!
OH! Chasing the butterflies is something we LOVE to do in my neck of the woods. What a wonderful image you painted here. I can smell the grass!
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