Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Now that November has arrived my mind has turned to Thanksgiving. To be honest, Thanksgiving hasn't been a big deal for me for many years. Not sure why, probably because we live so far away from family and haven't created any family traditions on our own. (Except for the lasagna. This is because my husband cannot eat turkey. Allergies.) But this year I'm looking forward to it. I'm ready to start some traditions and really thankful.

I read in a natural health magazine about keeping a Thankful/Grateful Journal. It encouraged people to write down daily something that they were grateful for that day. It could be big or as small as being grateful for that person who held the door open for them at the store. It mentioned that people who were thankful took better care of themselves and were more likely to workout regularly, eat right, sleep more and be happier.

So I'm starting a journal. It will be paper and by my bedside. Perhaps I will share some of them.

What am I currently thankful for? COFFEE


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