Sunday, November 2, 2008

1 2 3

Littlest can count to 12. He also recognizes all the letters of the alphabet. He loves numbers and letters.

One of is favorite things to do at the park is sit on the slide count to 10 and say BLAST OFF before he heads down. He also want me to count when I'm pushing him on the slide, actually he counts and I say the number after him.

He is also pointing out letters everywhere, not just the magnets on the fridge. Whenever I'm trying to work on the computer he wants to sit and press numbers and letters. I open many Word documents so that he can plunk away for awhile.

At the grocery store he wanders from aisle to aisle pointing out the numbers.

I don't know that this makes him especially smart, I think it is really a reflection of his adventuresome nature. And the fact that he can rarely sit still.

Oh, and he loves to pretend to sneeze. It cracks him up. Me too! Love you Boo!

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