Thursday, November 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Honey

My sweet loving husband turns 38 today. This is the 16th (is that right?) birthday that I've helped him celebrate. If you ask him, he can probably remember how we celebrated every single one. Just one of the many things I love about him.

I also love how intelligent he is, his open mindedness, his sense of humor and the way he tears up at the end of Field of Dreams. He is an amazing father, sacrificing a lot so that he can stay home with the boys so that they have never been in daycare. He has a sense of adventure and has taken some bold moves regarding his career and our family. I am proud to call him my husband and best friend.

I love you honey.

1 comment:

Joey G said...

Don't tell everybody I tear up at the end of Field of Dreams! OK, I admit it, just don't anyone expect me to go out and rent The Notebook anytime soon.