Tuesday, November 10, 2009

U Rah Rah!

"On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin! Plunge right through that line! Run the ball clear down the field, a touchdown sure this time. On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin! Fight on for her fame. Fight, fellows, fight, fight, fight! We'll win this game."

I’m a band geek. I spend 8 years in a community marching band and 4 years in my high school marching band. I’ve been in countless parades and football game halftimes. I bet I have played that song thousands of times. A couple of weeks ago I pulled out my piccolo and after a couple of minutes could play it flawlessly from memory. That song gets my blood pumping.

I started college at the University of Wisconsin in the fall of 1986. I wanted to be in the marching band. But, I played the flute and piccolo. The UW marching band, because of their marching style, does not have a flute section. But I went to the tryouts anyway. I would try the cymbals. I’ve never played the cymbals, but I could march.

That week of tryouts was hell. It was hot, humid and we spent hours on the field learning the marching style, which is a high step march. We then spent more hours in the band room, me not having a clue. I am not a percussionist. In the end, I didn’t make the cut. But I loved the experience and get excited every time I see the band march out onto the field. I still long to be out there during the 5th Quarter.

The greatest fight song of all time turns 100 this week.

Go Bucky!

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