Friday, June 27, 2008


Oldest came to work with me today. He earned the opportunity as a reward and I thought it would be a boring day in the office. He packed his backpack with some activities and snacks. We were going to order pizza into the office and have a picnic on my floor. Nothing really exciting.

I listened to my Voice mails first thing and there is a voice mail from my boss. The trophies for the Client Appreciation Golf Tourney needed to be picked up and brought down to the course. Would I mind doing it? They needed to be there about 12:30. I could stay for lunch.

Oldest delivered mail, helped make copies and retrieved items from my printer. He also had various other errands to run around the office. There were very few people there and it was fun to have him there to "help" me.

We left at 11:00 to go get the trophies and drive down to the course. Oldest was excited to go into the trophy shop and wanted to hold the trophies in the car as we drove. When we got to the course we dropped off the trophies to the appropriate place and proceeded to the course to wait for my boss to give me something I needed to take back to the office. The golfers weren't done so we watched for a bit. A colleague noticed us and I asked if Oldest could ride in the cart to the next hole. Oldest not only got a ride but he got to drive. He did well. And got a golf ball from my friend. We waited a little longer. Went up to eat lunch and then headed back to the office.

Not what we planned for the day, but very fun. Better than running that work errand by myself. Oldest is a pretty good driver.


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