Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day

Today is the 4th of July. It is the day Americans celebrate their Independence. It has turned out to be a big independence day for Oldest too!

Our neighborhood has an annual parade. The children in the neighborhood ride their bikes or scooters or wagons around a couple of blocks, neighbors cheer and then we all have a potluck lunch. This year the local fire station brought a fire engine to lead the parade. They stayed to cool everyone off with the hose. We even had the fighter jets fly over again this year. It was a very enjoyable couple of hours.

Oldest wanted to ride his bike this year. About a month ago we took the training wheels off of his bike and he has been working on riding on his own. For the last month he hasn’t had too much luck. Baby steps of progress but he wasn’t ready to ride it by himself in the parade.

Then last night, when my husband told him he didn’t think he was ready to ride it in the parade, Oldest had a breakthrough. He started riding without any help. Not only that, but he turned corners and braked all on his own.

He rode his bike in the parade today. All of our neighbors commented on how well he was riding. He was very proud of himself. So were we. He loves his new found independence.

Happy Independence Day!

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