Thursday, July 10, 2008


I had my first pedicure right before Littlest was born, so I was 37. I loved it.

I had my second pedicure this weekend, 2 years later. Why did I wait so long? Well, for one I'm not one for spending money on myself and I will not go to a nail shop to get one, too many germs. So my only option is a spa, and that can get expensive. So I dropped a hint to my husband before mother's day that my feet could use a pedicure. He got it.

On Saturday morning I headed to the spa and got my pedicure. It was relaxing. Soaking your feet, getting a massage and then topping it off with great polish that will last a lot longer than anything I could do.

There was a lady there, at least 60's. She was getting her first pedicure. She liked it. Someone commented that it is something you can do without until you've had one, then you are hooked. I can't wait until next Mother's day.

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