So our toilet has been running lately. Not constantly, but about once an hour to refill part of the tank. Saturday we decided to fix it. We discovered that the rubber ball in the tank had a small hole in it, thus the leakage and refilling. My husband turns off the water to the toilet , pulls out the ball and we head to The Home Depot for a replacement.
Turning off the water to the tank was not an easy task. The valve didn't had a handle and we needed a screwdriver to turn it. How long has that been there unturned I wondered? Maybe we should replace that too. What if we needed to turn off the water quickly some day in the future.
We get our part easily at Home Depot and head home. The repair was quick and we continued on with our day. About an hour later, on a whim, I check the floor behind the toilet. The valve has a leak. Back to the store for my husband, this time Lowe's. He calls me to ask what size it is, 3/8 or 5/8? I measure as best I can but what I measure is not an option. Someone at the store says that 3/8 is pretty standard. He heads home with that.
Turn off the water to the house, remove the valve from the toilet side, remove the valve from the wall side. Remove the valve from the wall side. I said, remove the valve from the wall side. This puppy will not budge. Finally it moves, or so we think. We then realize the valve is not turning but the pipe attached to the valve connecting to the wall pipe is turning. Not good. What do we do. It is 3pm on a Saturday. We have no water running in the house, cannot turn it back on and a plumber would cost a fortune. I call a neighbor.
John comes over with some tools, the right tools and he and my husband manage to re tighten the pipe to the wall and get the valve off. We then realize that the new valve is the wrong size. We need a 1/2. I head to Home Depot one more time.
It's fixed! No leaks! and we upgraded the toilet for a future overflow emergency. With 2 young boys I know this will come in handy!
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